alexmlane 10th August 2009

I first met Philip in junior high at South Girard. We had a PE class together where there was a group of maybe 6 of us that were pretty much the minorities so dressing out and joining everyone else to play sporths was pretty much out of the question. We always had a good time though thanks to Philip. He always had us laughing and had us getting into something to pass the time. I remember once we found a lighter outside and nit 2 minutes later Philip had already burned his eyebrows off with it while sitting in the bleachers. I think he laughed more than we did. One time in the locker room some guy was messing with me and I will never forget it; Philip jumped right in between us pushed the much larger guy away from me and told him to leave me alone that I hadnt done anything to him. That guy could have easily stomped us both but Philip looked at him right in the eye and never moved or flinched. The guy just walked off and never said another word to me. Philip didnt have to do that for me and at that point we hardly even knew each other than having a class together but I then knew he was brave, fearless and an awesome person. I didnt see him much for the next couple of years until he got his motorcycle and he was at Jeremy's house almost every weekend. This is when I got to know him better and got to be friends with him. It was impossible not to laugh if he was around. He was always doing something everytime you turned around and you couldnt help but to laugh. When you laughed at him he would just look at you with "that smile" on his face. I can see it now and it still makes me laugh. He and I fished couple of times by ourselves in Silverlake and I got to know him better. He was a great person and would do anything for any of his friends. He is definitely missed by many!