brats1an2 2nd March 2009

Hey "Little Brother"!!! You know I just hit 29 thats means you're not too far behind!! I guess that means we're just getting old! WHATEVER! I'm just getting started!! I talked to Aunt Theresia on my birthday and she says she's gonna try and come up in the next few weeks and she's gonna see if Cameron can come with her. I sure hope so! I miss him. He's getting sooo big! If he gets to come home with her, Dana and I will try and take him fishing. Crappie are biting pretty good right now. I'm sure you would'nt mind if I took him right? Just to let you know I still miss the HELL out of you and that I think of you alot. I can't wait to see Cameron!!! He's so much like you it's crazy!!! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!!! AMY D.